A starring role for Bear, the theatre dog, in Adventures in Wonderland
14 August 2013
I’ve lived at The Watermill Theatre all my life – five years and a bit – and no-one has ever asked me to write a blog before. I guess that’s because I am a shy retiring Bear and no-one really notices me around the place. But all that changed on Monday when, out of the blue, I was asked to star in the visiting production of Wonderland, by Teatro Vivo.
It’s exhausting being an Actor, I can tell you! All that rehearsing and technical stuff and then having to remember to do the same thing show after show, is really hard work. The day starts with a walk with Aunty Clare – which I have to confess I use as my physical warm-up – but then I am expected to do a vocal warm-up with the rest of the Company and help set the props (which is a bit much to ask of a professional Artist, if you ask me!). With moments to spare before curtain up, and no time to relax and prepare for my role I might add, it’s into costume before final checks and then we are off. I have several scenes but my big moment comes when I lead the Duchess from the Palace (pictured) – my house by the way – to meet and greet the Spades (a role I later reprise to greet the Clubs). I also act as a spy and generally muscle in on any scene I can. In particular I enjoy the scene with the mock turtle (Natasha) in the river (also pictured), when I occasionally bark as I feel she is getting an unnecessary amount of attention and no-one is looking at me! The pesky chickens are also playing spies but they are nowhere near as good as me, as they are never in the right place at the right time – and I am delighted to be able to report that Milly, the Mill Cat, was auditioned for a part but rejected on the grounds of unreliability.
Anyway, Aunty Clare says the show is going down a storm (due in no small part to my starring role) and everyone is very happy.