Get Involved
Watermill Out & About
As well as our busy programme of events at the Watermill, our Outreach team run projects and events in the community.
BSL Chatty Corner
Sign Language Chatty Corner is 12.30-2pm, roughly every 2 weeks. 1st Wednesday of the month at the Watermill (7 Feb, 6 March etc) and 3rd Wednesday of the month at Newbury Library as part of Educafe. Just turn up anytime and chat! Any level of BSL knowledge is welcome, whether you're fluent or a total beginner. BSL interpreter present.

Interactive Theatrical Class at Educafe
On the third Wednesday of the month, we run an informal class to introduce the creative arts at a young age, in a relaxed environment.
From 11.30am at Newbury Library

West Berkshire Libraries
We work with West Berkshire Libraries to deliver storytelling sessions during the school holidays.
Our Easter holiday dates are coming soon.