News Story

'We are really sad to hear about the passing of David Gollins.

David is founder of the Watermill Theatre having converted the abandoned mill into its current unique auditorium in the 1960’s.

Without David’s extraordinary vision the Watermill, as it is today, would not exist. No one could have imagined that the theatre he created would go on to have the reach and impact it has – we owe that all to David.' 

Paul Hart, Artistic Director & Joint CEO 

16 January 1944 – 30 June 2024

A dedication from David’s wife Angela:


Filled with a brilliant, unceasing and unstoppable creative flow, apparent from early childhood and continuing throughout his life, even until his very last days.  A creativity and inventiveness encompassing such a hugely broad spectrum of facets. His very own original concept and creation, of transforming, building and then founding the beautiful Watermill Theatre in Bagnor, was his first major astonishing undertaking, unbelievable for many people at the time, for such a young man of only 21 years of age. 

Deep fascination for theatre in all its forms led then to a period of stage directing in both opera and theatre, including the E.N.O. at the Coliseum, London, but throughout all the following years David remained forever the ‘eternal artist’ in every path he followed. From his glorious paintings and innumerable exhibitions in Italy, incorporating the ancient techniques of Italian ‘affresco’ and ‘intonaco’, to his musical compositions, ranging from classical orchestral works  to those for musical theatre, bringing true delight and such genius for comedy.

For myself, certainly the greatest gift from the universe was meeting David in 1982 and being able to share our lives as his wife, for the last 42 years. Knowing and loving David, not only the artist but the man – unique, noble, loving, honourable, loyal, kind, dedicated, generous, and quite often absolutely hilarious……a true gentleman  has been a blessing, and our lives together (to use a common phrase of David’s) has been “a great great adventure”

I thank you David. You will be forever loved and missed.’

In the early 1960’s the Watermill was brought by David Gollins, with the support of his mother Judy Gollins. Originally intended to become a cathedral – David changed his mind and turned it into the beautiful intimate theatre you see today. David built the theatre himself with help from friends in the village, and the seats came from Winchester Cathedral.

The Watermill’s first professional season opened in 1967, with local actors performing two plays in the summer. Nearly 60 years on, our year round programme of events reaches audiences from across the world, thanks to David’s vision.

If you would like to contribute with your memories of David Gollins, please email